When Landowners desire to maximize exposure while leasing their farmland, we post their farm for rent on this page. The farm leases could be cash rent, crop share, or custom farm arrangements. We also directly contact area farmers.

Farms Available for Lease:

None available at this time.

We design a "Farm for Lease" brochure that includes information of value to a prospective tenant farmer. Complete information removes as much uncertainty as possible, allowing for a better-informed offer:

  • Location on a plat map and legal description
  • Soil map showing types and Productivity Index
  • Soil tests with fertility and pH levels
  • Aerial photo
  • Fertility requirements of tenant
  • Length of leases
  • Rent due date
  • Yield history
  • Tillable acres


We answer prospective tenant questions. We require pertinent information from prospective tenants:

  • Farm operations – tillage, soil conservation, etc.
  • Farm machinery
  • Financial strength
  • Location of headquarters
  • References
  • Experience and education


We review each applicant's offer and information on their operation. On-site visits are completed for the most qualified tenants.

Owner's Goals

We meet with the Landowner to assess and review each offer and potential tenant. The tenant and farm lease is selected based on the owner's goals and objectives.